Oedipus Tragic Hero Essay

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The Ancient Greek Drama is a theatrical culture that started in Greece. The Greek Drama had three types of dramatic genres first is tragedy, second is comedy and the last is satyr play which performed front of many gods. The Greek Drama performances were important to the Athenians because this made the competition and festival in the city. This drama features by its super hero like Oedipus. A tragic hero is a person of noble birth with heretic qualities or is likely to be hero. As is the fate of this person by the gods or by some supernatural forces to destruction, or least to great suffering. The tragic hero is mostly struggling against fate and with the admiration of this conflict. Usually the tragic hero is a king, queen or member of the royal family. Oedipus is the …show more content…

Oedipus is a classic example of a tragic hero that I have seen in the movie and in the reading. According to the reading, Oedipus was seeking for the truth, and looking forward to gain wisdom. Reflecting from the movie Oedipus in the story was a tragic hero based on the circumstances that he had been through. There are some qualities justified Oedipus as a tragic hero. First the lack of self-knowledge, according to the reading, when Oedipus hears that the king was killed, Oedipus wanted to know the story of killing the king and fined the person who is guilty, he knew that he killed a man long ago and he didn’t blame himself as a killer. This can show Oedipus didn’t want to look at the truth even though he knew the truth about himself. This lack of self-knowledge would make Oedipus a tragic hero. According to the text’ in the second episode he insults Teiresias with the latter's blindness, and Teiresias replies that Oedipus has two good eyes but doesn't see the situation he's living in’. This

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