Of Mice And Men Summary

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Synopsis: The story opens up with by describing two men of different stature walking down a path. The two men are on their way to go work on a farm. However, they got off the bus too early and now have to walk the rest of the way. The first guy George is short in stature. Lennie on the other hand is large and has mental issues. George and Lennie have been together since they were little kids. As the men are making their way down the path, Lennie is holding a dead mouse. George gets mad and throws the mouse across the river because he doesn’t want Lennie to act weird and ruin this job for them, like their last. The locals kicked chased the men out of town when Lennie wouldn’t stop stroking a girl’s dress. The men end up staying in the clearing …show more content…

During supper, Lennie loses his temper. He ends up apologizing by telling a story about their future in which they will live off a farm. The next day they walk the rest of the way to their new job. When they arrive at the bunkhouse, they meet Candy, a handyman. The boss asks the men why they arrived late. George answers for them both, hoping Lennie wouldn’t speak and reveal his mental issues. The boss becomes suspicious. George warns Lennie to stay away from Curley, the boss’s son, who is described as a fighter. Curley picks a fight with Lennie. Lennie refuses to fight back until George tells him to fight back and break Curley's arm. Curley feels emasculated. After a long day at work, the workers go to a provocative bar. Curley’s wife flirts with George but he denies him she then starts flirting with Lennie and he caressed her hair. However, Lennie becomes aggressive and she tells him to stop and threatens to tell on him. Lennie gets mad and grabbed her by her mouth to quiet her. He covers her mouth and nose and the suffocated and dies. Lennie runs away to the safe spot. When the body is found George goes to find Lennie. Lennie tells him he did it to protect …show more content…

Throughout the book, most of the characters have admitted to wanting to live another life. For example, Curley’s wife wanted to be a movie star. Candy wanted to live on a couple of acres, like George and Lennie’s dream. Crook wanted to garden on Lennie’s farm. However, their lives took a different turn which prevented them from living their dream life. As portrayed in this novel, Americans wish for a life with happiness. However, all of these characters have shown how unrealistic it is fulfill the American dream. In George and Lennie’ case, we learn about their dream of living together on acres of land. Their dream is what sets up the setting. In order for them to make money to buy their farm, they have to get a job. However, George realizes he will never live a life of untarnished happiness. Character Analysis: In the beginning of the novel, we see George as protective, more specifically, towards Lennie. George could have chosen to not be his friend when Lennie got hit in the head. He could’ve lived a different life. However, he is caring and kind towards Lennie so he decides to stay with him up until now. In the beginning, George lashes out on Lennie for acting “weird”. To some, it may seem harsh. However, Lennie releases his frustration because he badly wants this job to work out so that they can live a happy life