Office Depot Essay

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Office Depot is losing market share to likes of Staples and Walmart and part of the problem is that they don’t use Information Systems for the advantage. There are many ways that they could improve their sales, but Information systems have proved in retailers like Zara that it can really help. The solutions that can help include RFID technology, which would help gather data about the offerings at Office Depot. After gathering the data, RFID and POS (Point-of-sale-systems) technologies can help analyze the data and understand what are the popular and unpopular products. Also, another way to improve sales is to improve the website. Cookies could be considered a technology that can be used to collect and analyze data on the web. These two technologies …show more content…

The use of RFID should be increased in order to send the information from the stores to the warehouse where the fulfillment can be met. It would also help to send information about returns and purchases of merchandise from the POS systems. POS systems already collect the data of the transactions. If Office Depot considers the returns and purchases and analyzes the data, it would be certain what people like and dislike. Managers will be able to use the ranking of the merchandise in the POS system to send it to headquarters and products would be changed to match customer’s needs. In order to achieve this Office Depot will need to use vertical integration and technology-orchestrated coordination with the suppliers. It is important also to have finely tuned logistics in order to achieve success. This is important because inventory optimization can be done only with the help of coordinated manufacturers. All of this should be done to improve the sales but also to show the public that it is also done to be more environmentally friendly. All of this has to be done in a manner that improves the sales and not just a way to make stores look more modern. If done wrong this can also have a negative revenue

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