Officer Luisa Fernanda Urrea's Heroic Actions

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Officer Luisa Fernanda Urrea is being praised for her heroic actions. Luisa was picking oranges in the forest when she heard a baby crying. She discovered that a newborn had been abandoned. The baby 's umbilical cord was still attached, and she was starving. Luisa knew that she was going to have to act quickly to save the newborn. The baby was only a few hours old.Luisa is a mother herself, and her maternal instincts quickly kicked in when she saw the newborn. She decided to breastfeed the baby, which ultimately saved the girl 's life. If Luisa had not done that, then the baby girl would have likely died from starvation and hypothermia. After Luisa nursed the newborn, she took the baby to the hospital. The baby made a complete recovery