Would you use the most widespread form of alternative energy to reform your life and save the environment? Wind power is the best and most efficient form of alternative energy, superior to both solar and water power in its historical longevity, widespread usefulness anywhere in the world, and accessibility to the greatest number of people. Wind energy has been used for thousands of years, dating back to the days of the ancient Chinese. It is used widely today in all regions of the world, regardless of access to water (i.e. the desert regions) or sunshine (i.e. rainforests and polar regions) necessary for water or solar power. Because of its widespread accessibility, wind energy is currently used by millions of people all over the globe, shattering …show more content…
Predictably, this is a much better option for coastal areas around the world. (Onshore vs. Offshore; 1) Although neither of these two sources of alternative energy is better than the other, the offshore version of these sources is very efficient at picking up large ocean breezes and harnessing wind energy that can provide power to cities and countries with vast coastlines (10 Pros and Cons of Wind Power; 1). Even though offshore wind energy can be much more powerful, it is also more expensive. The installation costs alone can sometimes triple the cost of an onshore wind turbine because of the necessary under water installation and the specialty crews required to do this kind of work. The service and maintenance costs far outnumber those of their onshore counterparts (Source: 50 Facts about Wind Turbines; 2). The main cause is their extreme inaccessibility. These gargantuan monsters sit far out in the middle of the ocean, consequently making them more inaccessible to service crews. This issue is significant since the immense power generated by these turbines cause them to run down very quickly, requiring more frequent maintenance and repair (10 Pros and Cons of wind energy; …show more content…
Wind energy is the best and most cost-effective forms of an alternative fuel source. (History of Alternative Energy; 2) Its historical longevity is unmatched by any other source, it can be harnessed and used in every region of the world, 24 hours a day, at every season of the year, unlike either solar or water energy. Millions of people all over the globe are already using wind energy, for both residential and commercial uses, and the numbers are growing rapidly. (Source: 50 Facts about Wind Turbines; 2). As world leaders continue to search for the most ecologically prudent, economically functional, and most reliable sources of energy, wind power continues to rise to the front of the list. Whether powering a home, a high rise, or a hybrid car manufacturing facility, this powerful and potent form of energy can unlock many doors for the world. Like a watch master’s key opening a dark room filled with endless treasure, wind energy unlocks endless possibilities for