Oka Crisis In Canada

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Essay Outline The human race that inhabited the lands earlier than anyone else, Aboriginals in

Canada had conquered many obstacles which got them to what they are today. In the past,

Canadian Aboriginals have dealt with many gruesome issues that primarily involved the

Canadians opposing them or treating them like ‘‘wards.’’ The Indian Act is a written law which

controls the Indian’s lives and it is often amended several times to make Indian lives either

peaceful or cruel but especially, cruel. Aboriginals found the Indian Act a massive problem in

their lives due to it completely controlling them and how they lived on their reserve. The Oka

Crisis was a conflict involving land ownership between the Aboriginal group, Mohawks and …show more content…

a few of the Mohawk`s land (burial grounds and sacred groves) were going to be used for golf course expansions (Conflict over)
Oka`s government is not respecting the native group and just doing it for themselves
Mohawks filed a complaint but were declined due to lack of evidence for “specific legal requirements” (Conflict over)
1989, Oka mayor, Jean Ouellette approved the expansion of the golf course on the lands of the Mohawks (Conflict over) clearly, the Mohawks were not fond of this; Jean was woken by gun shots and helicopters flying off the next day (Medina)
26 September 1990, the Aboriginals surrendered …show more content…

These schools gave traumatic experiences to the Aboriginal youths and haunted them for the rest of their life.

the government pursued the schooling to first nations to make them “economically self-sufficient” with its underlying scheme(Miller) the government secretly lied to them and planned on lessening Aboriginal dependency on the public purse (funds raised by the government)
Eve Cardinal, a former student of a residential school, still has traumatic memories that even 45 years later, Eva still cries about (Boguski)
“Students were punished for just about everything,” -Eve Cardinal (Boguski) getting out of bed at night, wetting the bed, speaking their native language, etc. some students were forced to hold down their peers on a table as the nun beats her (the peer being held down) with a strap
“I want to get rid of the Indian problem. I do not think as a matter of fact, that the country ought to continuously protect a class of people who are able to stand alone… Our objective is to continue until there is not a single Indian in Canada,” -Deputy Minister of Indian Affairs (1920), Duncan Campbell Scott (The goal of