Oklahoma City Bombing By Timothy Mcveigh

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As mentioned earlier, Timothy McVeigh saw the US government as bullies to the people. McVeigh argued that drastic measures had to be taken to send a message and that there had to be body count in order to even be heard . McVeigh also claimed that this was a pre-emptive strike against the government and personally admitted the Waco Siege was part of his motivations to acts as he did . He also had stated he “borrowed a page from US foreign policy ” as the US does have a known history of acting similarly to McVeigh and Co. This lead to the largest criminal investigation in American history and caused a fear of numerous following bombs in Oklahoma . This attack was originally thought to have been committed by terrorist from the Middle East not …show more content…

The government came under scrutiny for having daycares in federal buildings since clearly the buildings had become easy targets for attacks, which caused fear from many parents . Interestingly enough, psychologist warned that someone like McVeigh would come from the generation born in the 1960’s and McVeigh was born in 1968 so he fit this warning that was clearly ignored which was somewhat why McVeigh wanted to attack the government because they did not listen to people. This attack struck the fear into many citizens that they were no longer safe, which was also argued by McVeigh. This attack was rather effective due to the fact the fears were ones McVeigh had pointed out that the government was already actually doing before his own actions. He was also ineffective, as the government in the US really has not changed that greatly. The US army still invades other countries, still bombs their federal buildings, and attacks those citizens. McVeigh despite how morbid his actions were did raise many valid points about the US but his actions made his points unheard as he was more or less labelled a murderer despite what he aimed for. Based on this information, McVeigh was not that successful but he did make daycares less common in federal buildings and made the government spend $600 million on security updates to protect themselves. To this day, over 500 militant groups are active in the United States , which can quickly become an