Oklahoma State University Admission Essay

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Oklahoma State University has many qualities that make it appealing to a student like me. First of all, the campus has so many amazing programs, such as the biology department. I love how much passion and dedication the professors have. At OSU, I am provided with extensive research opportunities (in both the lab and field) along with over 100,000 specimens. The second reason why I have chosen to attend OSU is the amazing facilities. The recreation center has so many activities and clubs to choose from, like the climbing wall and kayaking. I could even join an intramural team for ultimate frisbee or badminton. The research facility provides a great way to develop creativity and entrepreneurial skills which I can use in my career. The final reason that makes OSU remarkable is the community. The people there are friendly and welcoming. …show more content…

I have had the pleasure of being a leader at my school. I am in the top 10% of the class rank and have to represent my school through extracurricular activities. Every time that I am visiting another town for a club (such as National Honor Society, Future Farmers of America, or as a basketball manager) I represent my school. I volunteer in my community and represent my school when visiting the business partners (such as the Good Samaritan Society). Another way in which I represent my school is through my internship. At Regional Family Medicine, I am there to learn as well as to help contribute to making the business partner accept another intern the following year. I have an impact on these business partners’ decision to accept another student in the future. I strive to be respectful, polite, and friendly at all times. The actions that I take outside of school not only impact the school’s reputation, but also the future student’s opportunities. As shown through my activities, I am considered one of the leaders of my high

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