Older Workers

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United States has an ageing population. The number of older people is about to increase between 2000 and 2050 which means there are more expenditure on health care and income support pro-gramme for older people will continuously increase over the coming years. Employability of older workers means re-employment for them. Older workers prefer to stay at workforce in order to maintain or increase their engagement in mental exercises in the work. Furthermore, they have a great knowledge than younger workers. In addition, older workers have a serious commitment to work and they are loyal. However, there are some barriers that the older employees may face in the workplace for instance they may find it difficult to maintain salary compare with their previous em-ployment and they easily to have one or more chronic diseases, which it is expensive to pay for medical care and insurance and finally they are more prefer flexible hours, however not all busi-nesses provide this system. …show more content…

For instance in U.S. there is a program which serves older workers such as the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). This program provides part-time, subsidized community service employment opportunities to roughly 100,000 very low-income older workers (55+) per year. Brunei can try this program by providing more jobs that suitable for older workers such as a trainer, consultant and many more that suitable for them. By having this program, it is a win-win situation for Brunei’s economy which the older workers participate in the workforce and in return they get paid for

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