
Olympic Brand By Laura Hillenbrand Essay

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In this book written by Laura Hillenbrand, the title really tells you about what are the main points are in the book. It is about Louis Zamperini a young man who began as an Olympic runner then a World War II hero. This story talks about the cruelty of the Japanese during World War II, and what the dangers were for the soldiers of aerial combat.

In the beginning of the book the author really describes Louis as a trouble maker. He was the son of Italian immigrants, who moved from New York to Torrance California. Louie was smoking by the age of five and drinking by eight! Louie began getting picked on by bullies until one day his father showed him how to defend himself, and after that Louie was constantly getting into fights with kids. Every time he would get himself into mischief he …show more content…

Before they were sent home reporters wanted to get a statement from Louie, he told them if he ever had to go through what they did again he would kill himself. It had been two and a half years before Louie had been heard from. Newspapers had published that Louis Zamperini was “back from the dead”. After the hero reunited with his family he married his love at first sight Cynthia. Louie was overcome with joy the first time he had seen his family home after nearly three years, he told them it was worth the whole thing to be able to see this house again. His family was nervous how Louie would be after his traumatic experiences. He tried to continue to be tough but his dreams were haunted. He suffered from PTSD. Louie began to turn to alcohol to numb his memories. Louie did not know what to do with his life, he was directionless. He made no effort to find a job. He began training again, hoping to make it to London for the games. After pushing himself too hard he reinjured his leg and the doctor told him was done. The one thing that was able to help him as a kid was now

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