Omniscient Narration In The Rocking Horse Winner

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How occurs the omniscient narration in D. H. Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner?” Derived from Latin omnia meaning “all” and scientia meaning “Knowledge” omniscient means all-knowing, and omniscient narration is the third person point of view. Third person narrator is someone outside the story, an observer who knows everything about the fictional world, the innermost thoughts and feelings of the characters, how they will behave and what is going to happen. In “The Rocking -Horse Winner” written by D. H. Lawrence, the narrator presents the story as a third person narrator and he knows the feelings and thoughts of each character. He moves from the mother’s thoughts and feelings to some information about the family, attracts attention to the unspoken whispering phrase” there must be more money”, and turns to Paul the protagonist of the story. Before the tragic end of Paul the narrator emphasizes the secret which the characters are oblivious of ” She felt that she knew the noise.”, yet the reader knows what is going on.

How occurs Epiphany in James Joyce’s “Araby”? …show more content…

Moreover, the thought of the character is more significant than the action. In “Araba” written by James Joyce the first person narrative technique occurs and the narrator is in the meanwhile the protagonist of the story who experiences epiphany at the end of the story. The young narrator is innocently loving the sister of his friend Mangan, and is waiting always for an opportunity to be visible to her. When the Mangan’s sister eventually speaks to him she asks if he is going to “Araby” the magnificent bazaar while emphasizing that she could not go. Taking this as a chance and hope he promises her to go and purchase a gift for her.