On Being Brought From Africa To America By Phillis Wheatley Analysis

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In the poem titled, “On Being Brought from Africa to America” by Phillis Wheatley, the poet challenges the concept of individual rights by illustrating how slavery can affect someone’s freedom. For instance, “Some view our stable race with scornful eye, Their colour is a diabolic die” (lines 5-6). In the text, Wheatley describes how society often sees African American , and how they are seen with “diabolic die,” which implies that African Americans are seen as terrible people. In addition, African Americans are categorized as different by “stable race,” which means a race who can not be superior than other. Furthermore, the author states, “Remember, Christians, Negroes, Black as Cain, may be refin’d, and join th’ angelic train” (lines 7-8).