The other day, while I was drinking from a water bottle that advertises its water is directly sourced from springs in Fiji, I thought about the journey that bottle went through to end up in my hand. If the advertising states the truth, then the water was most likely collected, filtered, transported from Fiji to America, shipped to a store, and finally bought. I thought about how it takes so much effort to produce this product and then go to waste when only half of the water bottle is consumed. So much money, resources, and transportation costs are spent on products that harm the earth more with their waste, yet, nothing has been done to fix the problem. In my research paper, I will provide evidence that reducing food waste is possible and improves the environment substantially. …show more content…
Several of the sources I have found present some possible solutions for reducing food waste through new ways of recycling. For example, “A second life for scraps: making biogas from food waste” suggests turning food waste into a source of energy and fuel (Dahl). Other sources I have found suggest taking legal actions, such as taxing stores that do not donate their extra food. I will use these sources as well as my main source “On Dumpster Diving” to explain the possibilities and steps toward a greener and healthier Earth. “On Dumpster Diving” gives an inside look through the eyes of a dumpster diver to show what people are really wasting. In my paper, I will explain how a man can easily live off another’s waste and tie it to the message that waste can be used for bettering someone’s life in numerous ways. There are so many people in the world without food and those who have the luxury of food waste