
On The Bright Side Both Jason And I Outrank You Octavian

150 Words1 Pages
All stories or passages, both fiction and nonfiction, have a point of view. The nonfiction passage is written in 3rd person. For example, “The pantheon of deities were said to live on Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. From their perch, they ruled every aspect of human life.’’ The author chose 3rd person to tell us about certain heroes or gods not to get us to connect to them. The fiction resource, however, is written in 1st person. For instance, “On the bright side, both Jason and I outrank you Octavian so we can both tell you to shut up.” The author choose this point of view to get the reader to connect to the characters. The difference in the point of view changes the way the reader experiences the story because if the reader
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