On The Sidewalk Bleeding Andy Character Analysis Essay

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I have read many short stories in class and found a lot of good character traits of many characters, but the character that has stood out the most to me is Andy from the short story On The Sidewalk Bleeding. Andy is ashamed and regretful, which emphasizes that he might have made the wrong choice by joining the Royals, because now they don't see Andy as Andy they see Andy as a Royal. If you have read the short story On The Sidewalk Bleeding you could probably tell that Andy seemed ashamed, because of the way people ignore him just because he is a Royal even though he is lying on the sidewalk bleeding and needs help. Andy knows that it was the jacket that caused him to get stabbed so he wants to take it off before anyone finds him with it on. “He was very close to dying, and when they found him, he did not want them to say, oh it’s a Royal” (Hunter 5). On the jacket there are big letters that say Royals and since Andy …show more content…

Andy joined the Royals because he wanted to be apart of something, and the royals were seamed like i cool gang were everyone is like a big family. Once he realised that there was people that wanted to hurt him, he started to regret that he joined the Royals. Andy has a girlfriend that he loves very very much and was planning on marrying her, “The purple jacket had seemed so important to him before. Now they seemed like such small things” (Hunter 5). As you can tell in this quote Andy says that he used to think the Royals were so important but then once he realized that he was dying he was regretting joining because he realized that his girlfriend was so much more important than the Royals. “The knife hated only the purple jacket” (Hunter 5). This quote i feel really summed up how Andy feels because the person that stabbed him didn't know who he was they just saw the purple jacket with Royals written on the