On The Three Metamorphoses Rhetorical Analysis

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To fully appreciate the sufferings and pains a person needs to overcome to achieve uberperson Nietzsche writes, “Of the three metamorphoses of the spirit I tell you: how the spirit becomes a camel; and the camel, a lion; and the lion, finally, a child.” (Nietzsche, On the Three Metamorphoses, 25). This paper will examine the three distinct changes that a person must undertake, the differences of each stage and explain why the person needs each while attempting to achieve for the mantle of uberperson.
The first metamorphoses’ requirements Nietzsche lists show what the camel must overcome. To understand the list completely, a person must examine each item and understand what must be overcome, Nietzsche writes: “There is much that is difficult for the spirit, the strong reverent spirit that would bear much: but the difficult and the most difficult are what its strength demands.” (Nietzsche, On the Three Metamorphoses, 25) This passage sheds light on what the camel must endure through this first metamorphoses. It shows that the spirit requires reverence and through this reverence it proves it strength. As the spirit overcomes these burdens of reverence it can move beyond these …show more content…

By delivering the sacred “No” the lion opens the path for the child who affirms the flux of life and uncertainty. By becoming the child, the person elects to roll with life by dancing and playing with it. This allows the person to create not out of the pain of life but through the enjoyment and wonderment of life, allowing the child to find the new virtues that will be needed for the potential uberperson to done the mantel and guide those who find the path to begging the transformations. This also allows the child to become a creator allowing them to create their own will, their own virtue, thus creating their own

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