One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Christ Figure Essay

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A Christ Figure is a literary character whose actions are homogeneous with that of Jesus Christ. A Separate Peace, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and Cool Hand Luke are all works that incorporate a Christ Figure as one of their characters. Some of the actions exhibited by these characters include the performing of miracles, a last supper, a death and resurrection, and the betterment of their fellow peers. Christ Figures in literature commonly perform a number of miracles, which their acolytes once viewed as infeasible. McMurphy, the Christ Figure in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. is placed on a hospital ward brimming with hopeless patients under the control of an authoritarian nurse. All of the patients on the ward presume that Mcmurphy …show more content…

Finny, a Christ Figure present in the novel A Separate Peace, breaks his leg and eventually perishes due to the witless actions of his covetous friend. However, Finny orchestrates a clandestine carnival, which includes alcohol that is representative of the wine Christ shared with his followers, at his boarding school before he passes away. This celebration involves a number of Finny’s companions, which could be likened to his disciples. McMurphy also organizes a last supper on the hospital ward before he is subjected to a lobotomy by Nurse Ratched. This celebration involves both alcohol and pills that are shared by McMurphy and the patients that look up to him as their savior. The alcohol shared by the patients is even likened to the wine that Jesus shared with his followers when the author writes , “We stood there in the hall, and the wine went around again”. McMurphy understands that he will be severely punished for the festivity, but he is devoted to supplying Billy Bibbit and the rest of the patients with a memorable experience. The celebrations organized by both Finny and Mcmurphy take place presently before their metaphorical or bona-fide