One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Psychological Illness

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One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is an American classic both in its literary and cinematic forms. It is considered to be one of the greatest movies ever made by many critics, and it shows. It contains very serious subject matter though allows some lighter comedic points as relief. Although it does contain those comedic moments, it does not entirely try to poke fun at psychological illnesses and conditions. Throughout the film you see the characters exhibiting various symptoms of psychological disorders. The main character R. P. McMurphy, portrayed by Jack Nicholson tends to show signs of Anti-Social Personality Disorder, which comes out in his inability to form any sort of meaningful relationships with other. Martini is one of several characters who seems to suffer from Schizophrenia. His symptoms manifest themselves in numerous ways, some of the most prominent ways include his dazed state, and his childlike demeanor. …show more content…

Quite few characters aren’t expressly given a diagnosis throughout the movie, and it makes you wonder why exactly they have been institutionalized. Characters like Mr. Harding, at first glance seems to be a perfectly capable and a quite intelligent man. After looking into things, a bit deeper, he seems to be in denial about being homosexual and can also be diagnosed as neurotic. This diagnosis and the symptoms accompanying it cause him to become quite paranoid about things that are said or done that may come off as gay. We actually find out about midway through the movie that he is in the hospital voluntarily, along with several other