Gabriel Garcia Marquez Magical Realism Essay

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Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian writer, writing in Spanish and is famous for his Noble-prize winning novel One Hundred Years of Solitude. Popularly known as ‘Gabo’, Marquez has made a distinction by popularizing one literary genre known which is Magic Realism. Love in the Time of Cholera was first published in 1985 in Spanish and later on in 1988 it was being translated in English by Edith. It narrates the story of Florentino Ariza who is obsessed with two things – Love and Sex. Florentino Ariza is typical intransigent lover who yearns for his ladylove Fermina Daza and after being rejected for the first time, he waits for fifty-one years, nine months and four days to take the vow of “eternal fidelity and everlasting love”. His rejection and dejection leads him to become a sex-maniac which he …show more content…

It is evident in the fact that when Fermina Daza is alone at home and doctor comes for routine check-up, she sends Gala Placidia out to give the message to Dr. Urbino Juvenal: “The senorita says you cannot come in now because her papa is not at home” (Marquez 116). Women are treated as if they don’t have mind of their own and will lose control by just meeting a man in private or just looking at a male in privacy they would get hypnotized. They are considered as treasures which always need to be guarded and protected by a male member of the society, only name changes with time and nothing else. When she is born, it is her father, in growing years her brothers and once she enters the marriageable age, a man “who provide(s) her the security they need in order to face life.” (Marquez 65). Women have been treated and nourished in a way that they themselves consider them as fragile, dependent and submissive. They harbor the notion that they need to have a man by her side to survive in this man-made world, which is the manifestation of her early gendering and