Online Dating Dan Slater Summary

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Have online dating sites threatened monogamy and the whole concept of commitment? Journalist Dan Slater wrote the article that appeared in The Atlantic called “A Million First Dates: How Online Dating Is Threatening Monogamy”. His approach on online dating is that it is changing our society. He believes dating sites are changing our traditional views of commitment and feelings. I agree with Slater’s views. Online dating threatens monogamy because it has opened up a world of options, making finding partners easier, thus challenging commitment. Online dating websites have made meeting new people so much easier. Connecting with someone online instead of face-to-face takes away or lessen those awkward moments and conversations because of the fact …show more content…

“Two of the three—satisfaction and quality of alternatives—could be directly affected by the larger mating pool that the Internet offers,” declares Slater (221). First off, on the internet, people can portray themselves however they want. If they are unhappy with themselves, they can create an image that they like. In doing so, this new image can boost their confidence, even if it is just online. I believe in order to be truly happy in a relationship, you must be happy with yourself first. Your online image is not really you, so if you are not being yourself, how could online dating truly make you happy? Slater stated that when it comes to an unhappy relationship, some may have no problem with calling it off in light of the fact that they know there is an army of people online that they could potentially meet. People know marriage is hard, but what makes marriage hard is commitment. Online dating in a way makes people believe that commitment is not that important. If there is a trait about your significant other that you do not like, online dating has basically said “You can find someone else who does not do that.” So for the purpose of that reason, we choose to look

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