Open Adoption Persuasive Speech

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There are 428,000 children in foster care in the united states and 135,000 children that are adopted each year in the United States. Out of these children, males outnumber the females. More than 60% of children in foster care spend 2-5 years before being adopted and some never get adopted. I’m connected to this topic because I know some kids that had to go through this. There are two different adoptions called open adoption which is where you get to see your birth parents rather closed adoption where you get no contact of your birth parents.
4. People should adopt because not all people can have children, children who grow up in institutions are not raised in a healthy way, especially the younger children, If the family agrees to adopt. …show more content…

There are couples with medical complications that prevent them from having children. b. According to centers for disease control and prevention, about 6% of married women ages 15-44 are infertile. About 12% of women ages 15-44 have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying a pregnancy term, regardless of marital status. c. People should care about the people that can’t have children because they can actually have an opportunity to have children if you ever want to have children. 2. Children who grow up in institutions are not raised in a healthy way, especially the younger children a. Children who live in foster home do not live comfortably because they never know how long they will be living there. The children do not know whether they should start to adapt to the institution they are currently living in, or if they should try to be positive about when they will be adopted. b. If you place young children in foster it could put them at risk of a attachment disorder and developmental delays in their behavior. c. So we should be adopting the kids so they don’t have to deal this this kind of mental behavior and have them be healthy.

3. If the family agrees to adopt a. The kids that you have are excited and want to adopt to have more brothers or

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