Opening Strengthening The Use Of Computers In Classrooms-Complete Waste

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The removal of the government program, funding on netbooks in school grounds, ignited contentious debates, eliciting many responses from students and parents. In an opinionated piece, published on Herald Sun (27/January/2015), ‘computers in classrooms- complete waste,’ written by Andrew Smith foreshadows the negative side of the issue. In a vexed, yet passionate tone he urges parents into agreement that, ‘social ways in teaching’ and ‘the good old-fashioned way,’ is more beneficial for schooling then through the use of a computer. In opposition, Julie Fisher contends in a motivating and hopeful tone about the usefulness of computers in the ‘21st century’, encouraging the positive image of computers that equips students for ‘success.’ Opening …show more content…

Through the phrase of , ‘now I’m a successful business owner,’ enhances his argument that success does not always associate with computers. By demonstrating his success, encourages other parents to disregards the need for modern technology and agree with Smith. Smith further builds on the need to disregard these computers, by describing another environment that sounds inspiring and hopeful. Through the use of the phrase, ‘to negotiate, to write clearly… with a guiding hand… to becoming successful,’ employs the idea that relying on teachers ‘one to one’ is more beneficial then through the help of the computer screen. By positioning the teacher’s actions to be influential and helpful in comparison to the dull computer, leads parents into agreement that supporting the teacher and Smith is a better option. In opposition Fisher, argues in a response that, ‘Smith may not be living in the 21st century… but our children are and need to be equipped to succeed,’ implies a need for a change in teaching techniques. By describing Smith as being old fashioned and appealing to a modern side of learning, demonstrate that her argument is logical and more advantageous in this era. Through the use of the word, ‘need’ presents her desire of netbooks, highlighting its importance in today’s world. Thus, insinuating parents into buying the …show more content…

By building this sense of unity and need for the old ways of learning coaxes parents to view the computers as a barrier to this way of teaching and thus not support the purchase. On the other hand, Fisher ends her piece in a more truthful and factual tone. Through her presentation of her findings, ‘43% of the jobs that exists today didn’t exist back then,’ and ending her piece on a positive note of supporting the computers, appeals to the readers need to equip their child with up to date material. By building a caring and influential atmosphere in parents, she hopes her reader to in turn view her as a knowledgeable person that could be trusted. Through her positive note and motivating tone, it expresses her genuine intention of the issue enhancing that trust of the she and her audience. This urges parents into feeling a sense of wanting to support their child and to partake in buying the

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