Opening The Door Of Mercy Analysis

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Imagine voluntarily putting yourself in a position where you are at risk to be physically and/or emotionally hurt. Being vulnerable takes away the traditional blanket of security and instead, exposes us to the elements of the world. That's a terrifying thought. We've all experienced vulnerability at some point in our lives. Embracing this fact will help us develop into happy and successful people, as well as give us courage, and help improve the lives of others who are also struggling with vulnerability.

hen we help those around us, it makes us happier. In an article written by Karin Round, titled 'Opening the Door of Mercy' the author shares a story of one night when she opened her door to a stranger who needed help. Her house was settled at the bottom of a highway …show more content…

The behavior of the people he works with often leaves him in vulnerable positions, such as "having your hair ripped out while changing a diaper... [or] the meal you've prepared thrown at you." Collin loves his job. And he believes that being vulnerable is a good thing, even considering it a strength at times. This vulnerability has taught Collin that "we need other humans.", more specifically, "[we need] others around us engaging, nurturing, listening, and willing to sacrifice their time and agendas." We live in a world where needing help is frowned upon, and if you can't do something on your own, it means that you aren't strong enough or you aren't smart enough. Collin recalls the turning points of his life being when he felt most vulnerable and needed help. Everyone at some point is going to feel vulnerable, and is going to need help. They will feel ashamed, and may be unable to ask for help for fear of feeling weak. If we are willing to overcome our own vulnerability, we will be able to not only recognize these things, but act on