Ophelia Cromwell Essay

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Ophelia Cromwell considered herself to be quite an intelligent, if not a touch cynical, young lady. However, as young ladies were wont to be, Ophelia was predisposed to lapses of passion and curiosity which, coincidentally, were traits chaperoned by temerity. Such attributes emerged when she fled the comfort of her warm abode and its slumbering inhabitants and into the arms of her paramour at the stroke of midnight. Thoughts of her parents' wrathful ire and subsequent disappointment, although profound, did not adequately hamper Ophelia from departing, and was promptly cast aside. Her father was especially protective of her, paranoid by the homicides distressing different parts of London. The possible dangers the night could foist upon impetuous maidens such as Ophelia were disregarded in favor of basking in William Brown’s carnal embrace. Fraternizing with a married man of thirty and two was a scandal Ophelia sought to …show more content…

William’s lingering kiss upon her lips left a lasting smile on her visage as she stepped away from the protection of his umbrella and in to the rain. Ophelia had insisted that he leave her a few blocks away from her house for extra precaution; she was a bright young lass after all, and she deemed it would be less conspicuous if she ventured back to her home in the shadows of the night without him. The streets she knew by heart, at this point in time, were empty and void of any stragglers. It was hardly a journey for an unescorted maiden. No danger would befall her, surely, and his woes were utterly unfounded. Fortunately, for Ophelia, William acquiesced under the belief that his lover was a capable and sensible dame who would not hesitate burying her heel on her offender’s groin as a means to escape. They parted reluctantly after promises of reuniting once more were exchanged and of taking care were proclaimed much to their