Oppose Stem Cell Research Essay

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Stem cell research offers a potential cure for many fatal diseases. Many people oppose stem cell research because it involves using cells from human embryos. To what extent do you agree or disagree that stem cell research should be prohibited?

With a great deal of significant medical breakthroughs, not only human life expectancy is higher, but also a great of diseases have been cured increasingly. Among breakthroughs, stem cells are crucial to medical development. Most scientists have carried out stem cell research for investigating fundamental properties of cells which are potential treatments. However, some people argue that research content involves ethical dilemma because of using embryonic stem cells. Despite concerns about morality, …show more content…

Stem cell research would be the best of treatment of a number of medical problems in modern time. It could lead humanity closer to better treatments and possibly cure a number of diseases, namely Parkinson, Alzheimer, spinal cord injuries, diabetes (Explorable.com, 2008). While this research offers a range of potential for new treatments and cures, some oppose it because of morality. Opponents, however, raise the issue of using embryonic stem cells (ESC) to cease the research. Indeed, in the late 19th century, the research method mainly focused on ESC, which involves taking from an aborted embryo. Since some believe that embryos have status as human being, conducting the research is committed a crime of killing. By contrast, there is a perspective that “a blastula is not exactly a child just yet, because unless a blastula is imbedded in the uterus wall, it will never have the chance to develop into a baby” (Euro stem cell resource, 2015). According to that idea, using cells from blastocyst for research and developing medical treatments, which could improve and save people's lives, is much better than an abortion (Euro stem cell resource, 2015). Consequently, stem cell research is extremely a vital medical advancement without the controversial use of