
Oracle Decrees In Things Fall Apart

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In the novel, Things Fall Apart, the book portrays the life of the Igbo people in Nigeria before the arrival of European colonizers. The book explores the conflict between traditional Igbo values and the changes brought about by colonialism. One of the key themes in the novel is the importance of the oracle in Igbo society. The oracle decrees that Ikemefuna must be sacrificed to appease the gods for a crime committed by a member of the Umuofia clan. When the oracle's message is delivered to the clan, they are deeply troubled. The clan is divided over what to do with Ikemefuna. Some members argue that he should be spared because he has become like a son to the clan. Others believe that the oracle's message must be obeyed to avoid angering the …show more content…

First and foremost, the Igbo people believe in the power of the oracle and the importance of obeying its decrees. As one character notes, "The Oracle of the Hills and the Caves had pronounced it. They had pronounced it, and it was final" (Achebe, 57). This belief in the oracle's infallibility is central to Igbo society and shapes many of their decisions. The clan's decision to sacrifice Ikemefuna also reveals the importance of communal values. While some members of the clan were hesitant to kill Ikemefuna, they ultimately agreed to the sacrifice in order to preserve the harmony of the community. As one character notes, "It is not bravery when a man fights with a woman. The woman has nothing to fight with" (Achebe, 30). This quote illustrates the importance of cooperation and the idea that the strength of the community is greater than the strength of the individual. Finally, the clan's decision to sacrifice Ikemefuna reveals the importance of tradition and the past in Igbo society. The clan's adherence to the oracle's message is a reflection of their deep respect for tradition and their belief that the past should inform their present

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