Dental Hygiene Case Study

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1.As you proceed through the head, neck and oral exam, the patient remarks that he has never had this done before and he wants to know why you are doing this because he came here to have his teeth cleaned. Provide an explanation for this procedure. Include a description of what you are doing, why and how it will impact the care you provide.
I understand my patient’s concern of why I am doing this exam. And it is my responsibility to have the proper training and education to be able to explain to him the reason behind it. Head, neck and oral exam is an examination to detect skin and oral cancers as well as any enlargement of the lymph nodes. As a Dental Hygienist I am able to identify anything that looks suspicious, …show more content…

TMJ disorder is caused by teeth grinding, stress or even poor sleeping posture. A health problem that is linked to the patient’s manifestations is Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome (OSAS). OSAS also results in headaches. This can be problem for the oral cavity because severe grinding can cause attrition; which means wearing away the enamel of the teeth. That can cause a tooth to fracture or teeth to become sensitive. I would also as questions about any sleeping problems, snoring or any daytime sleepiness, since they are also signs of obstructive sleep apnea. I would recommend for the patient to get an oral appliance to keep him from grinding, and I could recommend for him to visit his physician to coordinate any future care and/or sleep …show more content…

Lesions that change color over time can be indications of a malignant lesion. Most oral cancers appear as white or red patches. Squamous cell cancer is highly related to tobacco use, it presents itself on the tongue and is one of the most common types of cancer. The patient noticed a change in size and an additional lesion that he wasn’t aware of. He stated he saw the first lesion a “few weeks ago”. Any lesions presented as sores or discoloration of tissue should heal within fourteen-days, otherwise, it should be looked at by a professional. Patient also has history of tobacco use and that put him at a higher chance of contracting oral cancer. I would consult with the dentist to have the patient referred to the specialist for a biopsy. I would make sure that the patient understands the importance of this evaluation and I can recommend him continue self-monitoring in case of any new changes until he is able to go to the specialist. Maintaining good oral health would also be very important. 5. One aspect of evidence based practice is searching the literature for information on your topic, prior to making recommendations to the patient. Conduct a PubMed search to access one article relating to either appropriate follow up for suspicious oral lesions or the condition you determine the patient has in #3 above. You may also search journals included in the DH research guide, for which the web link is included in the

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