Oral History Project Of 9/11

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Lesson Plan: Mr. & Mrs. Eastman

Grade: 7 Subject: Humanities (ELA/Social Studies)

Lesson Topic: Oral History Project of 9/11

Standard Addressed (CCLS, NY State etc.):
Writing Standards for English Language Arts Grade 7:
• Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
• Develop the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.
• Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.
Note: This project includes many components that will be completed through multiple lessons; therefore, not all of the above …show more content…

Hook: Teacher will ask the students the following question: What are some ways we learn about the past?
a. Next: The teacher will explain that today we are going to focus on a type of history called “Oral History.”
2. Mini Lesson (Whole Class): The teacher will define the term oral history, and the students will copy this definition in their notebook: Oral history is an interview that records a person’s recollection of experiences, thoughts, and feelings about a specific event or a period of time. “
a. Next, the teacher will show the students an example of oral history.
i. Specifically, the students will watch the oral history video: “FROM DOWNTOWN: An Oral History of the 3-Point Shot With Ray Allen.” This activity will also build the student’s engagement since many of my students are obsess with basketball. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4Jq4mrbuPY b. While watching this video, the students will take notes.
i. Such notes include: List three interesting new facts you learned from this video.
c. Finally, the teacher will explain that the students will collect oral history interviews to learn more about 9/11. The students can interview a member of their family, teachers, or any

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