Orange Cats Lab Report

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ABSTRACT The genetic material of cats includes different colour, pattern, length and texture and this helps us divide cats from each other. The genetic diversity in the characteristics of cat breeding helped find the genotype. The aim of this experiment was to find out the frequency of the genotype and the genes of the cat population to see if the population would be similar in years to come where there would be no development. The expected Chi square test shows the p value as being larger than 0.05 which means that the hypothesis would be supported (X2=3, p>0.05). Hardy-Weinberg’s hypothesis of the orange cats would be rejected because of the chi square test (X2=0.2698, p<0.05). There was data collected from both lecture groups and it was …show more content…

The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium model is a principle proves that the allele and genotype rates in humans stay similar through time with no different evolutionary effects. The geneticists and Hardy-Weinberg all proved that evolution wouldn’t occur in the world if mutation did not occur, natural selection did not occur, the whole population breed, the rate of the population increased, breeding became random, all people in society gave birth to the same amount of children and there is no immigration present in the population. The study was about observ-ing the genetic rates in one place and comparing it to another place and then the theory is analysed and seen if it is supported or …show more content…

When investigating what the results were, the Hardy Weinberg theory was found to be supported. It was theorized to be accepted which means that the change in the rates of genes in the gene pool of the population and so the null hypothesis will not be accepted. MATERIALS The materials used for this experiment were the photos of the cats that each class member submitted, a PowerPoint presentation on cat’s genotypes and the class data which Nano compiled together. METHOD The students of this lecture were handed data and were told to use the PowerPoint slides as material to find the genotype of the cat which they had selected to use as a part of this experiment. Then there was a sheet which was provided to us on Moodle that we were to submit by a certain date about the cat’s genes. An analysis of a chi square and the allele frequency followed in the next lab session and was a table of all variables that then helps with the p-value as an indicator of whether the hypothesis was to be supported or rejected. A written report followed and was to be given to one of the two demonstra-tors.

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