Orbital Fracture Case Study

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As mentioned in the heading,the intention of this thesis is about diagnosis and treatment of the orbital fracture which my is my interest about maxillofacial surgery .In this thesis I would like to concern more bout the treatment of the orbital fractures. Orbital fractures have a higher occurrence in males especially in their second decade of life. Orbitial fractures are as a result of trauma, and is best chacterised according to age. In adults motor vehicle accidents and sports are common mechanisms of injury . However, In pediatric patients falls and sports related injuries are more common. Orbital fractures are often broadly referred to as “blowout” fractures; however it is important to note that not all orbital fractures are isolated orbital …show more content…

The most well know all round accepted theory in current literature related to the pathophysiology of orbital factures is referred to as the “Globe to Wall Theory” and “ Hydraulic mechanism” which states; when a force pushes the globe into the orbit and causes the globe to contact the orbital floor, resulting in a floor fracture.Another and more popular theory is “hydraulic mechanism”, which the fracture is the result of increased intra-orbital pressure from the eye entering the orbit not due to direct contact. 1.3 Clinical evaluation In patients with orbital fractures, associated ocular injuries are present in up to 29% of the patients. Blindness associated with orbital fractures has been reported at 0.7%–10%.Typically signs and symptoms of orbital fracture present with periocular swelling proptosis (acute stage )and enophtalmos (later stage and large fracture),ecchymosis,chemosis,V2 hypesthesia,and subconjectival hemorrhage.External periocular soft tissue and determine global integrity must be done before proceeding ocular functioning …show more content…

It is important to educate the patient to avoid blowing their nose, as air from the Sino nasal tract can be forced into the orbit. This can result in an orbital compartment syndrome which can cause blindness. Periorbital edema can be decreased by putting cold compresses and by keeping the head of the patient on the bed elevated. Ensure that the eyelids can close in order to protect the ocular surface and more specifically the cornea, from exposure ophthalmic ointment can be

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