Order Of Funding Paper

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Order of Funding Projects 1 Unify Methodology and Technical Standards 2 Standardize Server Hardware and Platform 3 Consolidate Data Centers and Networks 4 Implement ERP 5 Begin CRM/Create Data Warehouse 6. Create Employee Intranet Portal Recommended Projects for Funding: Unify Methodology and Technical Standards MDCM is a company that has grown through several acquisitions and became a worldwide medical device manufacturer. Although it is the largest company in the industry, the company made big mistakes while expanding both internally and internationally. The first and biggest mistake was that this expansion did not have any focus on IT integration and management. As years past, the situation only got worse and more complicated, since …show more content…

This forced 80 percent of the IT budget to be allocated for maintenance. Standardizing server hardware and platforms will give MDCM an opportunity to cut back big maintenance costs while improving the stabilization of hardware and softwares. Saving money will be a result of reducing maintenance costs. However, this may also result in reducing the number of maintenance staff members since there will be only one or two types of hardware and softwares to allocate for. In addition, this project plays a key role in selecting the applications for MDCM’s enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management, and communication software. It provides a centralized view of IT assets. These rationales are major reasons to promote the funding of this project after the company has unified its methodologies and technical standards. These two projects will promo innovative solutions and new projects to spread across the organization without much effort, since they constitute the mainframe of the organization. The goal behind these projects is to redefine the IT structure of MDCM and make more …show more content…

This was mainly because of undefined IT policy and standards. Now that there are project that redefines the IT structure of the company, employe efficiency and productivity may rise by itself. On the other hand, creating an employee intranet portal is an efficient way for HR administration and may reduce the U.S. employee headcount by 20-25. This is good in the way that the company will save money. However, unifying methodology and standardizing server hardware and software projects will require many employees, intense collaboration, and wide experience. For this reason, laying off employees is not the best choice at this point. As the implementation of these projects are about to finish, this project should be

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