Ordinary People Film Analysis

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Ordinary People In the award winning film, Ordinary People, the Jarrett family has just suffered the loss of their eldest son, Buck. The family lacks the ability to express the grief in their loss. A conflict management technique that could have helped the Jarrett family be more open about their emotions is to create safety. Conrad turns to violence and silence when safety is not established. Beth suppresses the thought that her family has problems, and just wants to think of her family as a normal family. Calvin wants to be the positive character, when in reality, is being silent about his feelings of the incident. First of all, the film shows Conrad expressing examples of silence and violence towards the incident involving his brothers death. As shown in the film, in the past, Conrad had previously tried to commit suicide, because he felt guilty …show more content…

Calvin shows a form of silence by feeling that he needs to solve all these problems in the family. He puts all this pressure on himself. He is using the form of masking to cover up the truth about how it is not his fault, but he just wants his family’s problems to be solved. A technique to use in order to establish safety is to step out of the content, create safety, then step back into the content. In the film, Calvin did not have as many silence or violence outbreaks like Conrad and Beth. The Jarrett family is going through a tough time after the death of the eldest son, Buck. Many techniques could help the family create safety, but the most common techniques are to create safety with the family, so that there is no cause for confrontation. If the family had only discussed with each other what was really going on with their emotions, their trust in each other would grow. People’s minds play tricks on us sometimes, especially if we are in a situation that we do not want to deal with, how can this be