Organic Solidarity By Emile Durkheim Analysis

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Organic Solidarity The modern society Emile Durkheim was a French sociologist who published a doctoral titled ‘The division of labour’. He, along with Max weber and Karl Marx is considered as the key developers of sociology as an important field of study.In his work, he described how social order was maintained in societies based on two very different forms of solidarity and he also showed the transition of the society from a primitive one to an industrial one. The book vastly studies the ties that bind one person to the next so as to hold the society together in conditions of modernity. Durkheim introduced the terms ‘Mechanical’ and ‘Organic’ solidarity as a part of his theory on the development of societies in his book. He believed that the society is held together by the division of labour. Mechanical solidarity occurs when individuals within structural units are alike and self sufficient. The people feel connected through similar work, education and lifestyles. It usually occurs in traditional and small scale societies. The society is organised collectively and all the members share the same beliefs, the common belief system is what binds them together. They are not dependent on each other. For example, in traditional societies, people make their own food, their own clothes and have little need for extensive social contact which makes them self reliable. On the other hand, organic solidarity is social integration that arises out of the need of individuals for one