Organizational Change In The Workplace

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. FUNCTION OF A MANAGER IN ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS AND CLIMATE; Organization is a form of every human association for the attainment of common purpose and the process of relating specific duties or function in a whole. J.D. Mooney
It has to do with collection of people that are working together under a division of labor or hierarchy to achieve a common goal.
Organization climate on the other hand is a psychological, multidimensional complex phenomenon that has an effect on learning, performance, turnover, absenteeism and tenure {Likert}
Importance of organization climate;
• Organization climate influences the performance of employees because it motivates and make them feel satisfied with their job
• It determines the work environment …show more content…

The work environment favors almost all the employees which make us to produce the best outcome in the state because everyone is satisfied both physically and mentally.

Staffing is employing adequate and qualified personnel in appropriate position to produce a reasonable outcome.
Having enough nurses to properly manage patient flow affects hospital turn rate, patient satisfaction and quality outcome because nurses helps to get patients admitted, transfer them to other wards or department and also discharge them at the right time.
Mcfarland defined staffing as the function by which manager build an organization through the recruitment, selection and development of individuals as capable employees.
Nurse staffing has to do with recruiting or employing a certified nurses and placing them at the right position and specialties in a health care facility. Nurses have an integral role in the health care system that is why adequate nurse staffing is the key to patient care and nurse job satisfaction or retention.

PERSONAL …show more content…

Researchers have spent decades trying to determine if having more nurse staff lead to better quality of nursing home care. Although the answer may seem to be obviously “yes “the literature feels to give us a clear answer . Bostick and colleagues reached a positive conclusion about the nursing staffing and quality relationship from their review of 87 articles. {Arling G.and Mueller C., 2014}. Registered nurses have long acknowledged and continue to emphasize that staffing issues is an ongoing concern, one that influences the safety of both the patient and nurse. There is a strong relationship between adequate nurse to patient ratios and safe patient outcomes. Rising patient acuity and shortened hospital stay has contributed to challenges. Finding an optimal nurse-to-patient ratio has been a national challenge. However, rising patient acuity and shortened hospital stay have contributed to recent challenges .Ensuring adequate staffing levels have been shown to reduce medical and medication errors, decrease complication among patients, decrease mortality, improve patient satisfaction, reduce nurse fatigue, decrease nurse burnout and improve nurse job satisfaction.{ANA

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