Organizational Disobedience Used In Engineering Circles

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Difficulties between Business and Engineering There are three main types of organizational disobedience used in engineering circles. First of all, there is contrary action which is when an employee partakes in something against the well being of that company. For instance, an employee working for a company that develops and manufactures sports cars that have terrible effects on the environment, while being a member of a local environmental committee. This creates an obvious conflict of interest that can be difficult for both the company and the employee to solve. The second type of organizational disobedience refers to disobedience by nonparticipation. Nonparticipation is the refusal of an employee to carry out an objective by a company for either moral reasons or professional reasons. An example of this, would be an engineer being apart of building a landfill directly next to an elementary school, and community. Legally, there could be nothing wrong with this decision but as an engineer putting public safety is the first priority. So, said engineer would opt to not participate because of the possible harm and repercussions it could lead to. Lastly, there is disobedience by protest, which is a situation where the engineer will openly protest the policy or action made by the company. An example of this could include a company moving all of its manufacturing overseas to cut costs. The engineer feels strongly in this situation so they step …show more content…

When she reports to Adam the findings are morally unacceptable for her to continue forward “fudging” reports. This situation couldn’t be disobedience by contrary actions because Stephanie is dealing with reports directly against the company she is working for, and has no allegiance to an outside group affecting the decision. Stephanie also doesn’t go out of her way and didn’t publicly denounce Adam which would be disobedience by

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