Orgon's Foolishness In Tartuffe

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Orgon’s most obvious character trait is his foolishness. After witnessing Tartuffe’s exaggerated prayer at church, Orgon’s love for goodness makes his gullibility more prevalent. While Tartuffe goes on with his self-pity after Damis accuses him of going after Elmire, Orgon says, “... I’m going to drive them to despair / By making you [Tartuffe] my only son and heir” (3. 7. pp. 268). Orgon chose to trust Tartuffe more than his own family, to the point where he would give his property to Tartuffe just to retaliate against his family. Tartuffe scams Orgon of his inheritance, yet Orgon is unable to see this. Additionally, Orgon, still blinded by Tartuffe’s supposed piety, later forces his own daughter Mariane to marry Tartuffe, in a desperate attempt