Original Sin Research Paper

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In mainstream Christianity, the Devil is a fallen angel who rebelled against God. He was adamant to become God himself, stating that the Lord was a betrayer of humanity; the Devil vowed to control everyone on earth though ways of wickedness. The Devil is often identified as Lucifer, or as the serpent in the Garden of Eden, whose persuasions led to the two corresponding Christian doctrines: the Original Sin and its cure, and the Redemption of Jesus Christ. In the view of many Christians, the devil’s first appearance was as a serpent, where he tempted Adam and Eve into eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, which God has forbidden them to eat; thus indirectly causing sin to enter the world. Original Sin inhibits Christians …show more content…

Like in the Christian tradition, Iblis is understood as a former angel who was cast out of heaven. Muslims believe that both angels and jinn (an intelligent spirit of lower rank than the angels, able to appear in human and animal form) existed before human race at a stage where the universe was perfect and evil did not exist. This teaches that the urge to do evil was caused when humans were created. In Islamic tradition, Iblis, who was made out of fire, refused to bow down before God’s new creation, man, because man was made from dirt and mud. For this, Iblis was cast out, and therefore became the enemy of all humans. Since that time he has done his best to get revenge by leading people’s hearts and minds away from God. However, Iblis plays a much smaller role in Islamic theology than the Devil in the Christian tradition, and is most often portrayed as appearing in human form on earth to teach wrong beliefs. In the same way, evil and sin are generally portrayed as transient conditions in Islamic theology – even after death, according to some Medieval theologians, who argued that one’s tenure in hell would be temporary, a set term based on the sins committed in