Orville Wright Brothers Research Paper

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The brothers then went to test their airplane and on Thursday, December 17, 1903, at 10:35 a.m., Orville Wright ventured a twelve second flight as “the first in the history of the world in which a machine carrying a man has raised itself by its own power into the air in full flight, has sailed forward without reduction of speed, and had finally landed at a point as high as that from which it started”. (Andrews 94) In the year of 1904, the brothers moved their testing site to a pasture known as Huffman Prairie, near Dayton, Ohio. By 1905, the Wright brothers perfected their airplane and started selling models. Within three years, the brothers had demonstrated flights in Europe, and had begun flying and teaching for the US Army.
With the breakthrough …show more content…

By 1914, airplanes started to take form from bridgework designs to modern-looking single and double-winged airplanes, which were built around a fuselage. With the outbreak of W.W.I, airplanes held great potential for scouting, bombing, and observing, all of which was taken advantage of. From W.W.I on, airplanes had become extremely common and were used for many purposes. One of the foremost uses of aircraft was transportation.
Transportation evolved into a new industry and gave birth to new larger aircraft used for moving people, supplies, and goods from one place to another. These new commercial aircrafts were run by private owners and transported goods and people on a scheduled service. The origins of commercial air transport began in 1910, when the first airline to carry passengers took flight in Germany. Later, in 1914, the first United States airline was unveiled in Tampa, Florida. Before too long, travel by air was an increasingly popular method of transport. Air mail was among the vast amounts of goods and cargo transferred by flight. The United States Post Office employed airlines to carry mail, and by 1918 had a service from New York to Washington. This service area expanded in 1920 to reach California