Oryx And Crake Research Paper

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Oryx and Crake Essay In Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, there are social classes formed and divided by the Compounds. The tremendous fissures between the levels of society in Oryx and Crake are shown throughout the novel. The social classes can be found in the Compounds but also society in general. Oryx and Crake take place in a futuristic world where the attributes that are seen in Oryx and Crake can be easily reflected in our world with many mental and physical obstructions created between different levels of communities. In Margret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, humanity is divided into social classes created by the idea of Compounds and pleeblands with the physical and mental barriers contributing to the depiction of the classes. Atwood depicts …show more content…

Jimmy and Crake are best friends, but because Crake is a ‘numbers person’ while Jimmy is a ‘words person’ they are detached after high school. The communication among the two peers is very minimal, emailing a couple of times. The loss of communication between Jimmy and Crake is because they are no longer in the same social class. The Compounds have defined people either as ‘words people’ or ‘numbers people’ creating another set of barriers between the two social classes. The Compounds have made it very unambiguous that the numbers people are geniuses compared to words people. ‘Numbers people’ are valued much higher than ‘words people’. Compounds have a higher ratio of ‘numbers people’ compared to ‘words …show more content…

The Compounds share nothing but workers and the security of the Compounds. There is no civic engagement between any of the Compounds, but instead other compounds are regarded as a threat. The Compounds all care about making money no matter what the risk is. The Compounds have created this hierarchy where the pleebs are there testers for scientific projects; the Compounds can use the pleebs to test their projects. The scientific geniuses of the compounds fail to realize that they all live in the same place. They do not seem to realize they are all connected even though some of the Compounds may try to fight it, but as time goes on it shows to be true. The civic engagement is impossible because it is unknown who is in charge. There is no control in the Compounds, the compounds are able to make diseases and spread them around different compounds as well as the pleebs. This can be seen with the BlyssPlus pill, there is a vaccine, but RejoovenEsence is not interested in sharing that. The reason behind is because they want to make a profit and to show they have power over others. The compounds seem that they are against civic engagement between any social classes what so ever. The better the Compound the stricter the security is, ensuring there is no dialogue exchanged between two different classes “...Didn’t change the fact she

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