Oscar Grant Was Shot Essay

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On January 1st 2009 Officer Johannes Mehserle shot and killed an innocent man. Oscar Grant was just getting off of the train from a previous New Year's party with a group of his friends. While on the train, one rider had reported that a fight broke out onboard. When Grant and his friends made it to the station, they were taken custody. That is when Officer Mehserle intentionally shot and killed Oscar Grant. My first piece of evidence is that Officer Mehserle shot and killed an innocent man. To start off, Grant came off of the train voluntarily, not by force or any other means. Later on in the incident Oscar was facedown on the ground, even though he hadn't done anything overly aggressive towards the officers. While on the ground he had been compliant with the officers. Grant was sitting by the wall waiting for them to cuff him, pleading that they don’t shoot …show more content…

Previously that night another black individual had been found running away from cops. He had fell off of the train station and broke his arm as well as his leg. The individual had been found with a semi-automatic pistol in his front right pocket. This caused other officers to be skeptical about other oncoming black suspects. The officers around him had been using racial slurs. Calling them “niggers” and other foul language. Mehserle was commanded to arrest Oscar, while trying to get his arm free from the pressure Officer Mehserle did not give him enough time to get his arm free and shot him. It wasn't even in his right to shoot him, seeing as he was compliant with the officers. It is right for an officer to use a TASER when the suspect is applying defensive force. Defensive force is when the suspect is resisting officers physical control such as not moving or spreading the arms apart to resist being cuffed. Seeing as Grants arm was stuck and trying to get it free for Mehserle, he was not in his right to use a

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