
Oskar Schindler's List Good Vs Evil

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Schindler’s List was a movie that showed us human good and evil in two different powerful, influential men. These two characters help show us how easy it is for us to make a choice of human goodness or human evil. I would like to believe that as human beings we all want what is best for all of us as a whole. We tend to want and believe that if a situation like this were to arise again that we would stray from the large group and help the less fortunate. When it comes down to the decision they choose what will benefit the most people. Human evil means that when given the choice between doing something good/ beneficiary or doing something harsh, one, with their own choice, would choose the more harmful way. In this film, one man influences us to want to do things for others by using his power and upper-class status to do so. The name of this man is Oskar Schindler. The other man uses his power to enforce fear into people by threatening them with death. The name of this man is Amon Goeth. This film provides many scenes in which Oscar Schindler portrays …show more content…

This too is a choice that persons make within themselves. In addition to this, persons who are orientated toward the good but habitually perform evil acts may ultimately change their interior disposition and become evil.” In many scenes from the film, Amon showed us that truth did not exist to him. One example of this is when he looked into the mirror and pardoned himself, he truly believed that what he was doing was okay and for the country. It’s scenes like this that show us that he had not known truth for so long that he truly lost himself in the process. Rahner’s study helps put this in perspective of evil being the rejection of truth, Goeth’s actions throughout the movie show us that sometimes a second ,third, or hundredth chance to do right, some will always chose the other way. In this case, the alternate choice is human

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