Our Town Play Analysis

841 Words4 Pages

Jaycee Fourkiller

Our Town by Thornton Wilder is a black and white film that was filmed in the forties. The music was not any type of modern day music that might be in a play that I would normally watch. There were no words in the music, just sounds of the instruments playing or sound effects after the characters did something that might have needed a sound effect at the end of it. One thing that was very different than I've ever seen or heard was that you could heard the film rolling and now a days it is not like that. The play was set to be ran in the forties and that's exactly what it looked and sounded like. There were many different characters that had grey hair and those were typically the parents of the teenagers. The teenagers …show more content…

The genre is a drama that shows the life and death in a small town. Thornton Wilder used meta theatrical devices to set up where the play was intended to be. The play shows Emily Webb as a young girl growing into a lady. She then married her next door neighbor George Gibbs. Although he was once not very mature he matured through the years and became a husband to Emily and father to their children and farmer. The play has a turning point when Emily passes away at such a young age. George's mother, Julia who which they call Hersey spent her days gossiping about everyone in the town. But she had bigger aspirations then that and wanted to eventually visit Paris and in her words, "go somewhere, where they spoke a different language." Hersey saved three hundred and fifty dollars but decided to will it to George and Emily. Another turning point was when she passed while visiting her other daughter in Ohio. A lot of the action came from the doctors office that George's father, Frank Gibbs is the towns doctor. Simon Stimson was the choir director and church organist but he was an alcoholic for some reason that they never really clarified why it was that he was an alcoholic. But he did commit suicide later on in the play that everyone questioned why he did what he