Ouranos Company Mission Statement

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The new business venture I will evaluate is Ouranos, a company located in southern Texas currently in finally stages of research and development of the world’s first smart altimeter system. Ouranos brings skydivers the first smart altimeter which does more than tracking just skydiver’s jumps and altitude. Ouranos is the most technological advanced altimeter which analyzes flight data, and incorporates a situational awareness feature providing the skydiver immediate feedback after every jump. The data collected can be viewed in the three dimensional playback feature improving the skydiver’s performance after every jump. Ouranos tracks a skydiver’s jump with precision due to its internal Global positioning System (GPS) making it the most …show more content…

Ourano’s is a small company of around thirty teammates composed of skydivers from a local Drop Zone (DZ) in Houston, Texas. The company originated from an idea that improvements from analog and digital altimeters could perform similar to modern day smart phone like Apple and Samsung. A couple of smart skydiving enthusiast built a prototype and named it Ouranos One. The company built Ouranos One to capture as much data while skydivers perform their maneuvers in order push the threshold of skydiving yet be safe while doing it. Since the skydiving community is relative it small, Ouranos built Ouranos One for all types of skydivers, fun jumpers, sport, building, antennas, span, earth (BASE) jumpers professionals and first time tandem jumpers. Having a variety of cliental Ouranos One was built with everyone in mind in order to appeal to every type and level of …show more content…

SWOT analysis revealed the major strength is the on-site development of Ouranos One at DZ Houston. This offers Ouranos a unique advantage since they have all the necessary equipment such as an airplanes to take test jumpers up to altitude daily, weather permitting. As the jumpers descend they are able to provide instant feedback to the developers helping them quickly eliminate issues as they arise. Additionally, DZ Houston is a well-established organization and just one of four drop zones in the quad state organization. With an already established cliental both local and internationally it provides a pool of skilled jumpers in a variety of disciplines. Furthermore, the opportunities presented as a well-known organization Ouranos One can take advantage of the social media, Parachutist and United States Parachutist Association ties for marketing and data collection on what features customers want. From the data collected strategic capabilities can be identified as the development team creates the product that is a value to customer, in order to generate higher revenues (Johnson, 2014). Ouranos One meets all the four key criteria VIRO which will give it a competitive edge (Johnson, 2014). However, the rarity of Ouranos One as the only smart altimeter is a unique capability possessed solely by DZ Houston making the most important VIRO capabilities. Although, the SWOT

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