Outline For Howl By Allen Ginsberg

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Quick Summary:
We live in the world where opportunity is a born-gift for many around the world. Twisting that phrase is Allen Ginsberg's worldly famous-passionate-anger filling-saddening-realistic, yet transcendent poem, Howl, where Ginsberg turns the perspective around from the undergrounded "best minds", as he calls them that never got the chance to shine their brilliance into society.
The poem is divided into three different sections with the first; defining the geniuses in the world don't just have ordinary lives, but are school drop outs, gay, drug addicts, suicidals, and even writers and poets. What is it about Howl that makes it stand out and well-known in the poetry world?

Allen Ginsberg's poem draws attentions to the misfits …show more content…

Location- Ginsberg INTERJECS different cities around the States, mainly around New York explaining the different living situations these …show more content…

Allegory/ of Religion is tied in underlining throughout the poem. It adds an transcendent fantasy tone to the poem in contrast to the realistic facts about the lives of many people in the harsh conditions in the Vicinity of New York. Ginsberg uses a VARIETY of religion-to keep the poem rather open-minded such a Jewish, Christinaity, Buddism, Catholic, etc.
a. Moloch
b. "I'm with you"
c. All the terms used such as holy.. blah .. blahh.

Choice of Formatting
1. Length of each line
a. Ginsberg interjects these Long lines meant for the reader to speak out in one breathe> Creating each phrase a rambling/madness effect
b. The reader's aspiration to strive for air by the end of each phrase allows the readers to physically draining experience giving insight of what goes inside of a psychotic mind
2. The anaphora of the words in each section of the poem
a. Adds crazy/expressive madness tone to the poem giving an image of people chanting/ in relation to all the religious references
b. Gets the idea across more intensely
c. An imagery of an passionate speaker pops into reader's mind
d. By repeating the term over and over, it allows the reader to digest and interpret the poem for a long term making the poem more impactful.
i. Insight on if it's a form of manipulation???
3. Alliteration makes the beat sound sicker