Outline For Research Paper Outline

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Sentence Outline Introduction includes the name of the career and definition. The introduction ends with your thesis: I chose venture capital because although it is high risk, it can have an extremely high reward, and that seemed intriguing to me. I. In the United States, venture capital has been around since the middle of the 20th century, and it has evolved a lot. (history) A.In 1901, J.P Morgan bought Carnegie steel which was arguably the first modern buyout. B.With few exceptions, private equity in the first half of the 20th century was the domain of wealthy individuals and families C. In the 1990′s, the “dot com” era was a boon to venture capital, providing numerous opportunities for new firms to emerge and go public and for existing …show more content…

Venture capitalists also negotiate investment terms with business owners. C. People go into venture capital for the money they could make by investing in a company. Starting salary Salary range Incentives III. Venture capitalists have relatively similar paths to their careers but the ones who are more successful usually have a good education. A. The path educators take toward their career is slightly varied. B. One school for undergraduate school is the University of California Berkeley. 1. Admission requirements 2. Costs 3. Graduation requirements C. Venture capitalists often need graduate school to earn an MBA, so one might choose Stanford University Graduate School of Business. 1. Admission requirements 2. Costs 3. Graduation requirements D. Venture capitalists have to work their way through the ranks in order to become a principle or a partner. E. No license or certification is required to become a venture capitalist. IV. There is not much variety in venture capital. V. Venture capitalists must have good negotiating, decision making, and leadership skills. Venture capital requires many personal attributes. Venture capitalists have to be good decision makers and

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