Outline Of A Poem

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A beach is a place to bare the skin, isn't it? A beach is a place to soak in the sun, isn't it? A firm mattress soothes the back; isn't that true? A hard mattress feels best; isn't that true? A little butter in moderation isn't harmful, is it? A little butter in moderation isn't bad, is it? A little help never hurts, does it? A little help usually helps, doesn't it? A woman should take as long as she wants putting on make-up, right? A woman should take as long as she wants getting dressed, right? Admit it you are full of ambition and desire, true? After a few drinks, who knows? After a few drinks, it's anybody's guess? All relationships are important, are they not? All relationships are personal, are they not? …show more content…

Which came first, standup comedy or brooding depression? Actually, or does it just seem that way? My place or yours? What makes a good waiter or waitress? Are these really modern times, or are we kidding ourselves? Do you prefer sail boats or motor boats? Is emotionalism good, bad, or otherwise? Do you like incremental improvement, or drastic change? Are pillows meant for fighting, or loving? Is huge wealth a blessing or a curse? Do you like lobster tail or crab legs? Would you rather be 21 and broke, or old and rich? Who gets the girls, the basketball players or the scientists? Should employees be considered assets, or resources? Does learning get harder or easier as we age? Which is better: sweaty summer, or shivering winter? In the summertime, is it the heat, or is it the humidity? Do you prefer coffee, or tea? Do you prefer rock music, or country music? Do you prefer excitement, or relaxation? If you painted pictures for a living, would you do still life, landscapes, or what? Have you ever witnessed a crime or an accident? Do you prefer stoves to be gas, or electric? Which condition is better, balmy or nippy? Is it better to fix problems, or fix