Outlook Of Nigeria Research Paper

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Outlook of Nigeria Nigeria currently is still a developing country, but the country is developing at a fast rate. Nigeria will be a developed country in the next 50-100 years because of their rising service, industry, and good trading partners. Nigeria has experienced an increase in industry money. Nigeria has a large income that comes from oil and natural gas refining. They, in fact, make so much money from oil and natural gas they are actually the 7th largest producer of oil in the world. Nigeria makes money from mining natural resources they use to produce cellphones and other materials for their country. The mining process and using these resources has increased and will continue to increase. This increase will help the country with having resources for their own people and they should be able to export some of the materials to other countries. Nigeria is also decreasing the amount of people in agriculture and increasing the technology used to be able to have a more efficient production of food like the United States or some of the countries in Europe. When Nigeria has made their industry efficient and is able to export to other countries they will be developed and have an impact on the global economy. …show more content…

One of their key services is the bank. Their bank system has become very popular in the past 15 years due to an increase of trustworthiness for the country. The trustworthiness comes from stability in the government. When people put their money in the bank it allows those people to make a profit from interest and the government also makes money from the bank. There is also an increase in the number of people going to school. This increase creates jobs for teaching. Also, when students go to school, they are able to get better jobs. This increase in better educated people will benefit the country with making the GDP higher from the money brought in from more mechanics or lawyers,

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