Overpopulation Satire

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Overpopulation, is a significant issue that is not being addressed. What is overpopulation? A popular definition given is where “an organism’s numbers exceed the current carrying capacity of its habitat” (www.wikipedia.com). The causes of overpopulation do not always emerge from adverse situations. Some factors are positive. For example, the advances in technology and medicine as well. Overpopulation is a major threat to our planet. There are too many people living on too small of a surface. How does our planet maintain the surplus of new humans coming into the world every day? We need to come up with a solution that will solve the problem in an ethical way. Ethics says that we not only have ethical obligations to those living today, but also to future generations. We need to improve infant health where child mortality rates are high, fight against customs in certain countries that make it more preferred to have male children as apposed to women, and …show more content…

If this is true than we have a moral obligation to make sure each person should be able to have an equal opportunity to resources and a place to live. Although there are many people whose ethical viewpoints differ from that of Kant’s. Take the thinking’s of Thomas Hobbes a very well-known ethical egoist. Ethical egoism says that we ought to only do what is in our personal interest. It continues by saying that these interests should be long term. Through this theory we are morally obligated to make ourselves as happy as possible. To many people what makes them happy is having a successful lifestyle, using infinite resources, and most importantly having