Overview For The Reluctant Learner

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For this assignment I read the blog post “Why is History Important? An overview for the Reluctant Learner.” This blog post was written by C. Paris on May 15, 2014. According to the author of this article there are six main reasons why studying history is important. The author begins their argument by stating the importance of learning about our country and hometown. Understanding where we come from and our culture, gives us an identity that comes with various traditions and qualities that we can share with others. History is also important to study, because we learn how our pasts and the decisions we make can influence what occurs in the future. By understanding changes that occur over the course of time, the author argues that we begin to …show more content…

Studying history, provides us with a background on why things are the way they are today, and how different issues have evolved over time. Thus, by having a historical background we can stand up to fight against political or social issues that we believe need to be changed. Without having prior knowledge of an issue, it’s difficult to explain how something should be corrected. Not only does history give us a foundation for activism, it provides us with an understanding of other cultures and allows us to be more empathetic with others. The author argues that we are often frightened of things that we don’t understand, which is why history is so important because it provides a glimpse of places and people all over the world. The authors final point is that history can inspire us to learn more and more. History is so intertwined that when you’re looking at one event, you will also be learning about several other concepts that go along with it. A quote that stood out to me about why studying history is important is “Fear and hatred for others is usually caused by ignorance. We’re scared of the things we don’t understand” (C.

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