Overview: Into Thin Air By Jon Krakauer

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In 1996 a total of 12 people died trying to reach the summit of Mt.Everest. Making it the second deadliest year on Mt. Everest. Into Thin Air is a book about Jon Krakauer, who is writing an article in an adventure magazine called Outside about Mt Everest in 1996. This book takes him through one of his most dangerous adventures yet. On this dangerous adventure he tells us the struggles he endured, and the unstable living conditions. Already in the introduction the book started out with a sense of danger. Making me interested immediately; Jon is with his crew when they are just about to reach the peak that is 29,028 feet above sea level. Already you get a sense of suspense as he is just about to reach the peak. Jon tells the readers how he hasn't slept for three days making him fatigued, cold, and sickly. …show more content…

Into Thin Air caught my attention, but slowly I started losing interest because of how slow the book was after the first chapter. The book talks way too much about how he got to go on this expedition when I just wanted to get right into him arriving in Nepal and starting is journey up to the peak. Once you read through the slow parts the book starts to grab your attention again by talking about how every climber will experience the same harsh living conditions in each of the camps as you go higher up the mountain. One of the first camps they arrived to Lobuje has it to where the heat is only achievable by yak dung, the lodges are in terrible condition, and lice live in the bunk beds the climbers are sleeping on. Many of the climbers become sick for staying there for so long because of a heavy snowfall from the first night before. The details and sentencing helps you picture the image in your head. After this chapter Krakauer’s book talks about the rest of his expedition to the top of the